Hybrid Coach
Christa obtained her Bachelor of Science with a major in Pure Mathematics and a minor in Biology and a Bachelor of Education from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also has a Master of Education from Acadia University. Christa taught high school Mathematics and Science for 15 years in both Newfoundland and Ontario. After transitioning from teaching, Christa now focuses on a career in health and wellness. She became a CanFit Pro-recognized Certified Fitness and Nutrition Specialist, with plans to complete her CF-L1. She started coaching at previously known, Hybrid Fitness in 2021 and continues to coach for CMBH Group as a Fitness-Nutrition-Lifestyle coach.
Fitness has always been an important component of Christa’s physical and mental health, evolving through different stages of her life. Growing up, she played competitive basketball, volleyball, track and field, and badminton. Prior to her children, Christa ran long-distance races and triathlons. While teaching, she coached high school volleyball, soccer, and swimming. After having children, Christa has become more interested in strength training and CrossFit. CrossFit has allowed Christa to become the strongest and fittest she has ever been in her life in terms of strength, endurance, and gymnastics.
“Being a part of the TEAMLDN. HYBRID has allowed me to become part of a community that celebrates the growth of our members and coaches alike. It is a privilege that I am thankful for each and every day.”